Pushkar Fair – Rajasthan, India

pushkar fair india rajasthan

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Held each November at the time of the Kartik Purnima (full moon), the annual Pushkar Fair is an experience that will make for a magical and an unforgettable sojourn to Rajasthan.  This is a spectacle on an epic scale, attracting more than 11,000 camels, horses and cattle and visited by over 400,000 people over a period of around fourteen days!

The fairgrounds reverberate with thousands of men and women covering the sand dunes and indulge in festivities, trade in livestock, handicrafts, participate in camel races, dances, drama and music competitions.

For visitors it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness the color, spectacle, carnival and people of all castes wearing their traditional dresses come from all over Rajasthan to enjoy and take part in this holy fair.

In 2015, the Pushkar Fair dates are November 19-25.
In 2016, the Pushkar Fair dates are November 8-14.
In 2017, the Pushkar Fair dates are October 28-November 4.